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About Us

Empowering People with Disabilities

Who We Are

HOPE FAMILY PARTNERS is a human services agency dedicated to supporting people with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder to maintain a healthy home life in the community rather than in an intermediate care facility. Our goal is to deliver the Individual Support Plan service requirements in a way that is caring, and empowering and effectively builds the Individual’s skills to live more independently and participate in community events as appropriate.

Our Mission

At HOPE FAMILY PARTNERS, we are committed to delivering direct support services to people with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorder. HOPE FAMILY PARTNERS is dedicated to assisting our members to create and to comfortably and safely live in a socially inclusive environment where their interests, talents and abilities can be developed and expressed.

Our Vision

Our vision is a community whereby everyone, regardless of any type of disability they may have, is included in, treated and assisted by, integrated into, are participating to the fullest in, and fully part of the community in which they live and enjoy in the same way and to the same extent as those who do not live with a disability or disorder – a place where everyone can achieve their full potential.

Shared Values

  • Respect, dignity, and acceptance of consumers as valued members of the community.
  • Thoroughness, completeness, and correctness of consumer case management, consumer case records review, and ensuring consumer rights.
  • Being in maximum compliance with privacy and confidentiality rules.
  • Being inclusive and collaborating in creating personal plans and shared responsibility in implementing plans.
  • Ensuring every consumer has the right to informed consent and every member shall read and sign a receipt for a copy of the Notice of Privacy Rights and the Summary of Rights of Maine Citizens with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism.
  • Every consumer shall be informed of the Grievance Process for Persons with intellectual disabilities of autism and the agency shall make reasonable efforts to resolve grievances and disputes as they arise.
  • Our behavior reflects on the agency, our co-workers and our commitment to excellence; we therefore make sure we behave in a manner consistent with our shared values, remain compliant in all that we do, and focus on continuous performance improvement.
  • We value, respect, compassion, celebration, joy, quality, integrity, collaboration and caring.

Core Values

Our core values include celebration, joy, respect, integrity, accountability, transparency, growth, rights, dignity, and equality.